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A sign for the Fortuna Elementary School District stands in front of a building with a lush green tree.

The Fortuna Elementary School District (FESD), located in the city of Fortuna in Humboldt County, educates 1040 students ranging from transitional kindergarten through the 8th grade. The students are dispersed across four school sites: Norman G. Ambrosini Elementary, Linell K. Walker Elementary, Toddy Thomas Middle School, and Fortuna Middle School.


In order to adapt to the necessities of 21st-century learning and accommodate the diverse abilities within its student body, each student is equipped with a one-to-one electronic device. This determination to promote inclusivity and integrate technology-based learning practices is enhanced by the use of grants and various funding resources. One such resource is the California Community Schools Partnership Program Implementation Grant, which benefits all four schools in the District over a five-year period with an estimated total of five million dollars. Each school within the District offers programs specific to the needs of students with disabilities and English language learners. Additionally, they provide after-school programs, behavior support assistants, and intervention teachers. A concerted effort is made to focus on each student's emotional and social development alongside their academic achievement. This balance is maintained through the services of school site counselors, Climate and Culture Ambassadors, a Restorative Practices Coach, Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS), and the implementation of Restorative Circles. The Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) programs further enrich student experiences in both middle schools. Recognizing the uniqueness of each student, FESD strives to provide a comprehensive educational experience for them. This commitment is manifested through a strong music program, spring and winter music concerts, active Associated Student Body groups in both middle schools, after-school enrichment clubs, a Community Schools Grant Coordinator, and a variety of athletic programs at the middle schools.


The FESD's persistent dedication to social responsibility, educational excellence, and engaging a diverse community is evident in the District's demographics. The student body consists of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, with approximately 82% of students qualifying for the free/reduced meal program and a composition that reflects ethnic diversity.


This unwavering commitment to inclusivity, diversity, and community partnership encapsulates FESD's enduring devotion to fostering an environment that nurtures all facets of the young lives under their care in tandem with the demands of 21st-century learning.