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Camp Discover Starts Tomorrow!

Posted Date: 7/07/24 (3:25 PM)

*Please note: ​We are posting this first letter in multiple places. After today, we will only post to the "ELOP SCHOOL" feed in Parentsquare. If you cannot see the feed, please get in touch with the office at 707-725-4688 for assistance. 
Dear Camp Discover Summer School and ESY Families ~

We are so excited to see all our student campers on Monday morning! We have been preparing to make these four weeks an incredible time of fun and learning for our students. Thank you for sharing your children with us this summer!

Important Details ~ Please Read:

  • Breakfast starts at 8:30 AM. There will be no adult supervision before 8:30 AM, so please do not drop off students before this time.
  • Your child is bringing home a form tomorrow that needs to be signed and returned immediately.  It is a reminder of the behavior expectation that was outlined in the registration packet:
BEHAVIOR EXPECTATION: Students are required to follow the District’s behavioral agreements to be safe, respectful, responsible, and kind. Students may be removed from the program if they fail to follow these agreements or if their behavior impedes their learning or the learning of others.
  • This year, all field trips are in the afternoons only. We did this because we have exciting hands-on learning activities planned for the morning. If your child attends the afternoon Excel session (12:30-5:30 PM or 12:00 if they come for lunch), they will have field trip forms that need to be signed. Please sign and return the forms as soon as possible. A calendar that lists field trips is attached.
  • When referring to a grade level (Example: 3rd-6th grade), we are talking about what grade your child just finished (23/24 school year). 
  • First-Day Procedures ✅  : We will check students in tomorrow at 8:30 AM at a table in front of the office. If your child is being dropped off at the drop-off/pick-up pad, please have them go to the front of the office to check in before heading to breakfast or the playground (first day only). Your child will receive a Camp Discover wristband tomorrow that shows they have checked in!
  • Afternoon-Only Students ⏰ : You MUST check in with Ms. Lili daily at the office!
  • Bus Students 🚌 : Please arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes before your pick-up time. Please be patient with the bus schedule, as there will surely be changes and adjustments in the first week.
  • Sunblock: Please apply sunblock on your child in the mornings and send sunblock with them in their backpack. Please help your child learn how to apply sunblock. ☀️ 

  • T-Shirts: Your child will receive a free Camp Discover t-shirt on Wednesday! Please have your child wear the shirt on field trips! 👕 
  • Communication: Please download the Parentsquare App and turn on notifications! In case of an emergency, ParentSquare will be one of the ways we reach out to parents/guardians. This will also be a way for you to message your child's homeroom teacher directly!
  • Daily Schedule: 
    • 8:30 - 9:00 Breakfast and playground
    • 9:00 Classroom Instruction (K-6th students who are not in ESY will rotate between 3 classrooms every hour).
    • Snack and Recess breaks will vary by grade-level
    • 12:00 Lunch / Afternoon only students arrive and check-in at the office
    • 12:30 Bus takes morning-only students home and picks up afternoon-only students
    • 12:30 - 5:30 Outdoor play, field trips, learning clubs, snack, crafts, etc.
    • 5:00 PM Bus students leave Ambrosini

Please message me here if you have any questions or concerns. We are looking forward to an amazing 20 days of learning!  See you tomorrow.

Susie Lewis 😊 
Camp Discover Director

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